Sunday, May 24, 2009

Goodbye pacifier!

Ella has been pretty attached to her pacifier since she was weeks old. Since she's now 2 1/2, we've been thinking we should probably wean her off it soon. It's been a long time since she's had it other than bed time, nap time, or if she's really feeling sick. So we haven't been too worried about it. We leave it on her dresser when she's not in bed and lately we only give it to her when she asks for it. A few nights ago we tried to hide it, but she asked for it repeatedly so we gave it to her. The following night, she didn't ask. So I grabbed it on our way out of their room, figuring we'd give it back to her if she asked for it. But she didn't. And she didn't ask at nap time the following day or at bed time the next night. It's only been a few days so far, but she was feeling pretty miserable part of one day (part bad reaction to a mosquito bite and part constipation) and didn't ask for it then either. So I think it's gone for good!

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