Monday, February 7, 2011

Life is fragile

My heart is heavy today and I'm pensive. I'm also counting my blessings. The last few weeks have been a bit crazy. Lots of news, news that affects us but isn't really our news. News that makes me sad.

Before Christmas, my dear sweet sister shared the happy news that she was pregnant again, with their third baby. It was her fourth pregnancy. Unfortunately, we found out a month ago that it was similar to her first pregnancy - her dates said 11 weeks, the baby measured 8, and there was no heartbeat. Heartbreaking news. She miscarried a week later. Emotionally, they're doing okay, although I'm sure there's more grieving to come.

The following week, one week ago, Steve's sister Becky went into labor far too early, around 33.5 weeks. Despite two trips up to labor and delivery, she was sent home. She had back labor but didn't realize that's what it was, until minutes before she gave birth to her daughter on the bathroom floor. Madelyn Faith was 4 lbs 12 oz, 17.5 inches long and had good color for being 6.5 weeks early. This news was crazy, but has a happier outcome. Becky is doing well and Madelyn is doing amazingly well for being so early. She's breathing on her own, regulating her body temperature on her own, and is taking some of her feedings orally. She's even latched without a problem. Becky and Zech are hoping to bring her home to big sister Abigail sometime in the next week or two. She needs to be consistently taking larger feedings orally but appears to be well on her way.

Saturday brought news from someone I don't know. I know his brother and we have a lot of mutual friends, but he's not someone I've met personally. His name is Chad Cole. He's been married 14 years to his best friend Sara. They were expecting their first child, after trying for 18 months, and Sara was 37 weeks. Saturday they were traveling on the highway and pulled off onto the shoulder because of white-out conditions. A semi hit their van. Chad had some injuries but nothing life-threatening. Sara was taken to the hospital where she delivered their baby girl and then died from her injuries. Baby Miranda was born without a heartbeat or brain activity. They got her heart going and then transferred her to U of M. According to Chad's blog, without a miracle today or tomorrow, he may also lose his baby girl too. My heart aches for him, thinking how a few days ago his world seemed near perfect, married to his best friend with a baby coming soon, and now that may all be lost. I read a few recent blog posts and in one he talked about his favorite memory of 2010: finding out they were going to have a baby. He ended that post with this: "Two lines...two beautiful...perfect...clearly readable pink lines...that's my best memory of 2010. You've got big shoes to fill 2011...big shoes..." It made me tear up. Big hopes, dashed a month later. Please pray for them.

I also heard yesterday that my aunt lost her brother. I have no idea if he had been sick. To round out the day, I also found out that Steve's uncle lost his sister yesterday. She had been sick, though I'm not sure for how long.

So I'm sitting here, hurting for all the people hurting around me, happy for the good news, and painfully aware how fragile life is. Pray for all of them please. Count your blessings and hug your loved ones. You're blessed.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

i hear you on the heavy heart thing! so much sadness going on. we do indeed need to count our blessings!
thank you for your blog comments last month...i just realized they were there! you have such a beautiful family!