Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Thoughts I've had lately...

- DNA evidence would be the same for a set of identical twins. I wonder if the wrong twin has ever been convicted.

- Relatively speaking, I have bigger feet than Steve. I'm 5'4", which is average height for a woman. In most shoes, I wear between an 8 and 9, which I'm pretty sure is bigger than average. When I was recently fitted for running shoes, they gave me a 9.5. Holy giant feet! Steve, on the other hand, is 6'4", which is several inches taller than average. He wears size 11-11.5, which is pretty average and probably even a bit small for his height. Ergo, I have (relatively) bigger feet. So the girls' height will come from Steve and the huge feet to ensure they don't tip over came from me.

- I have a hard time understanding how someone can have kids with someone they hate. I know it's a pretty common thing, but I don't get it. Did they change that much? (Sorry if I offended anyone with that one, but it's been on my mind lately.)

- Nora likes it to be dark when she sleeps. If the light is on and she's tired, she flips her bib up over her face. Seriously.

- Steve has ordered an inordinate number of things online lately. Off the top of my head: two pairs of earbuds, an Xbox 360 controller, a router, a pair of shoes, a book, a waffle iron. Most of that has been in the last two weeks. Good thing he's enormously talented at finding deals online.

- That I know of, the tally of my ex-boyfriends' kids totals 8 girls and 1 boy. It appears that no matter who I married, I would have had all girls. Isn't that weird?

- Other than a weird heat wave this week, fall is here! I wish I had an excuse to buy school supplies.

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