Friday, October 1, 2010


It's funny how things jog your memory. With their lunch, I decided to give the girls chewable vitamins. Although they're the Meijer brand, I called them Flintstone vitamins. It immediately made me think of being at my grandparents' house. Grandma Atherton always kept the Flintstone vitamins around for our visits (and our cousins' visits, I'm sure). She kept them on top of the refrigerator. Flintstone vitamins will probably always make me think of Grandma, just like coo-coo clocks, Yahtzee and coffee in the morning, cheese popcorn, beagles, wagon rides behind a tractor, prisms, and birds. Most of those things remind me of Grandpa too.

Uno always makes me think of Christmas at Grandma Steward's house. The Dick Van Dyke Show reminds me of her too. And Teddy Grahams. And strawberry freezer jam on cinnamon toast.

It'll be interesting to me what things will remind my daughters of their grandparents. I'm guessing bikes will remind them of Papa Russ. Probably pool and ping pong too. Corned beef will remind them of Papa Doug and Grandma Linda. Chickens will remind them of Grandma Linda. Cinnamon rolls before church will be Grandma Carol, along with ravioli.

These memories make me safe. Looking back, I had a very comfortable, safe childhood. I don't remember ever feeling like I was in danger or life was uncertain. Most days would be a lot like the day before and there was a comfort in that. Life doesn't feel as certain now, but I think that has more to do with being an adult and being aware of the world around me. I hope my kids can look back in twenty-some years and feel as safe as I do looking back.


Reid said...

All of it is so true. Snoopy reminds me of Grandpa.

Paula said...

Oh yeah! There's a certain scent that always reminds me of Grandpa too, kind of a mix of cigars and peppermint. Good memories.