Sunday, November 8, 2009

Christmas is coming!!!

I'm excited, can you tell? Today I bought Ella boots. We have boots in sizes 5, 6, and 7. Ella needed 8s. We also have three pairs of 3T snow pants (not sure how that happened, but anyone need a pair?). I bought myself a winter coat (a big puffy, XL coat to accommodate the growing belly) and a festive Christmas mug. The Christmas decorations are up along Michigan Ave and lit already. Steve started A Very Monkey Christmas (Curious George) for the girls tonight. And the girls found a box of Christmas stuff I found after sorting through boxes of things from my old bedroom. There are ornaments, tins, some stuffed animals, a Santa soap dispenser, a string of garland, and a jingle bell necklace. Ella is wearing the jingle bell necklace and Mia unrolled the garland and dragged it around the house, leaving a trail of silver behind her. It makes the house look all Christmasy. I'll hold off until after Thanksgiving to break out the tree and the rest of the decorations and music.

I just realized that I never changed the profile pic from last Christmas either. Huh. Guess I should update that soon...with a new Christmas pic! :D


The Scott Household said...

I need to invest in a big coat..any suggestions? Old Navy has maternity coats on sale..for 50 bucks :(

Paula said...

Wal-Mart has puffy winter coats for $15, $17 if it's a larger size (XL or bigger). I didn't need a bigger coat with Ella and I borrowed a larger sized coat from my mom with Mia. Unfortunately it was something she got rid of when they moved. My winter coats are already snug with my growing belly and no way am I spending a lot of money on a maternity coat I wear for one pregnancy! So I bought that one at Wal-Mart. It's reversible too.
You could check online or maybe consignment shops. Or one of those Mom To Mom sales maybe. Target had a few but I think they were more expensive than ON. If you're planning on having more kids, you could justify a maternity coat though.

Liz said...

I might have to take you up on those snow pants...I thought I had Lydia covered with 2T stuff for this winter, but she's just too tall and has almost outgrown 2T stuff before she's even two...! I have a 3T coat, but if you're seriously trying to pare down to just one or two, I'm definitely interested.
Also, we'll be in Jackson the weekend after Christmas...any chance you guys are in town? We'd love to catch up!

Paula said...

Liz, sure thing! I need to try them on Ella to check length and see if some run smaller than others. Lydia mainly needs the length then? I'd love to see you and your family! At this point I'm not sure yet about Christmas plans though. I like to do Christmas Eve/Day with my family and I think the big Scott Christmas is the Saturday after...the other ones I'm not sure about yet. I'll definitely let you know once we have dates set!